Shannon E.

The R.I.T.E. program was a life-altering process of personal transformation for me. It was not only affirming in the career path that I had considered, but also reminded me of who I am as a unique and valuable individual. It readied me for a future I thought looked bleak, but is now filled with clarity, […]

Kaden C

My experience in the Triangle R.I.T.E. program has been nothing but rewarding. To be honest before coming into the program I wasn’t doing much with my life. As a former addict I needed something to help rebuild my life and I found that within the R.I.T.E. Program. The staff and other clients in the class […]

Mark P.

The Triangle program has taught me a lot about myself. It taught me my learning skills, my job preference, and what kind of person I am. They taught me what kind of work I would be suited for, helped me get schooling to get that job, and helped me find that job. They gave me […]

Samantha C.

Triangle has supported me with my transition in returning to the work force and helping me grow as a person. I have learned different things about myself, such as my learning style, personality traits, communication style, and what I value. This has helped me be more accepting of myself and gear my career goals toward […]

Robert B.

Hello my name is Robert and since I’ve been in Triangle I have learned how to use the computer and make cover letters and presentations in interviews. Also, working with others was a huge thing. Also my patience to listen and learn what this course has to offer. Looking forward to courses and getting them […]


I wanted to let you know that even if I hadn’t gone through your course I would still have found a job and started up my own company anyways. Hahahah. No really thank you very much for your support, you got me through trying times.You guys may not get to everyone but you really make […]


I recently attended the 10 week R.I.T.E. program held at the Abbotsford Triangle Community Resources location. I heard about the program through the recovery house that I resided at. My personal experience in this program was so much more than I could have ever imagined. This program has done much more than help me find […]

Shawn S.

The R.I.T.E program, for me, was an experience that is going to be invaluable as I move forward in my personal and professional life. Not only has it helped me tremendously, look deeply into myself, but has shown me where I need improvement as I continue as a professional. The staff is not only extremely […]

T. Mitchell

What a difference a year makes! For me this statement couldn’t be more true. February 9th, 2012, today’s date. For my family and I this date carried with it the scar of a devastating memory.  You see, February 9, 2011 was the day I decided that my life was no longer worth living, that my […]


The experience of being in this program has done so much for my self-esteem, my ability to show my feelings and have beliefs in my artistic skills.  This has been something I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Janet showed me I was and am able to get any job I […]