Amy P.

Wow! What a great experience. I would still love to go to the Bahamas, however; being at Triangle gave me the same boost of energy and left me with the same satisfying feeling as a bright ray of sunshine, cool calm breeze or smooth ocean waves would have. Like sinking your teeth into a piece […]

Paul R.

I first came to Triangle with hopes of finding a few tickets in order to get back to work, a quick fix and I would be on my way, wow, was I in for a surprise. Triangle was not your average get a resume, use a computer, get a job, get lost kind of place. […]

Jim M.

At the beginning I was apprehensive and just went because I was told to by the Ministry. After a few days I realized that I enjoyed coming and looked forward to it each day. I learned skills that have and will continue to change my life. I am very appreciative of the instructors and the […]

Dan L

Triangle was a great stepping stone for me to refocus, regroup and reinvent myself. Coming form an addiction background, it gave me the information and extra time to look deep inside and secure my foundation in recovery and a new career. The facilitators have all done a wonderful job, informing me of different values and […]

Jason F.

My name is Jason Freestone. I attended the Triangle Program in September 2009. I came into the program a man who had lost his way. The only life I knew was one of complete chaos, drug use, alcoholism, and too put it nicely, I hurt a lot of people. I thought there was no hope […]

Earl H.

I am a graduate of the RITE program at Triangle Community Resources in Chilliwack. Triangle was an amazing program that did much more than help me find work, Triangle helped me to find myself. Not only was I able to find employment immediately upon graduation, the facilitators have continued to show me support and encouragement. […]

Dawn C.

I signed up for the RITE program with the hope that it would be the bridge I needed to re-enter the workforce. 2 ½ years previous, I had a massive breakdown. I was severely depressed and actively suicidal. I was plagued with anxiety attacks. I spent 6 weeks under psychiatric care at LMH, and was […]


This course enlightened me and made me realize a true picture of myself. Just knowing where to start has made this journey easier and assures me of my future success. I have a more open mind, less negativity and have a positive outlook. This process that you put people through is very useful and it […]