Client Testimonials

The R.I.T.E. program was a life-altering process of personal transformation for me. It was not only affirming in the career path that I had considered, but also reminded me of who I am as a unique and valuable individual. It readied me for a future I thought looked bleak, but is now filled with clarity, direction and hope. I can confidently say I know my skills, values, potential and self-worth. I would highly recommend this program for anyone feeling they’re at a crossroads and need support to navigate the paths ahead of them.

Shannon E.
May 2019

My experience in the Triangle R.I.T.E. program has been nothing but rewarding. To be honest before coming into the program I wasn’t doing much with my life. As a former addict I needed something to help rebuild my life and I found that within the R.I.T.E. Program. The staff and other clients in the class go above and beyond their roles.

Kaden C
May 2019

The Triangle program has taught me a lot about myself. It taught me my learning skills, my job preference, and what kind of person I am. They taught me what kind of work I would be suited for, helped me get schooling to get that job, and helped me find that job. They gave me the skills on the computer to write resumes. They’re really good at what they do.

Mark P.
March 2019

Triangle has supported me with my transition in returning to the work force and helping me grow as a person. I have learned different things about myself, such as my learning style, personality traits, communication style, and what I value. This has helped me be more accepting of myself and gear my career goals toward what my strengths are. The group has been very helpful in overcoming my anxiety in social settings. The group environment is welcoming and accepting, enabling me to step out of my comfort zone and become better able to manage. I would recommend Triangle to anyone who is struggling with finding a career path or needs support in moving forward in finding a job.

Samantha C.
March 2019

Hello my name is Robert and since I’ve been in Triangle I have learned how to use the computer and make cover letters and presentations in interviews. Also, working with others was a huge thing. Also my patience to listen and learn what this course has to offer. Looking forward to courses and getting them started. I’m very determined to get what I want and the direction I’m in is looking clearer and clearer as the days go by. Teach me more.

Robert B.
April 2018

I wanted to let you know that even if I hadn’t gone through your course I would still have found a job and started up my own company anyways. Hahahah. No really thank you very much for your support, you got me through trying times.You guys may not get to everyone but you really make a difference in some people’s lives. I’m doing good on the island. I have a part time job at a restaurant 4 days a week and I also started my own business. I am licensed, insured and I have WCB. I did my first big project for a project manager at a custom home construction company and another project manager is giving me a house to try in a couple weeks, and a strata called me to do a 16 home lot twice a year for gutter cleaning. I made the equivalent of two weeks at the restaurant, in half a day of window cleaning, so this is definitely sustainable employment. By partnering with home builders I can do post construction windows year round. The rain gear and merino wool works great thanks again. Hope all is good -feel free to share my story, 18 months and anybody can do it with a can-do attitude.

February 2018

I recently attended the 10 week R.I.T.E. program held at the Abbotsford Triangle Community Resources location. I heard about the program through the recovery house that I resided at. My personal experience in this program was so much more than I could have ever imagined. This program has done much more than help me find work, it has helped me to find out who I am, what I am good at and what I want to be when I grow up. Triangle has given me the tools and confidence that I need in order to achieve success , not only in my career but in my everyday life. The staff at Triangle were very resourceful, caring but most of all very supportive. They are passionate about what they do and will go to all lengths in order to see your success. They are a family. I would highly recommend this program to anyone and everyone . They have my two thumbs up. Thank You Triangle!

March 2017

The R.I.T.E program, for me, was an experience that is going to be invaluable as I move forward in my personal and professional life. Not only has it helped me tremendously, look deeply into myself, but has shown me where I need improvement as I continue as a professional. The staff is not only extremely personable and knowledgeable, but genuinely cares deeply about the clients that come in. I feel not only have I gained a better understanding of who I am, but have gained a new family whom I love and care about, and who love and care about me. To Louisa, Karen, Kelsey, and James, you are the best, and I love you all. You are the people I will strive emulate, and I am extremely proud to call you my friends.

Shawn S.
February 2012

What a difference a year makes! For me this statement couldn’t be more true. February 9th, 2012, today’s date. For my family and I this date carried with it the scar of a devastating memory.  You see, February 9, 2011 was the day I decided that my life was no longer worth living, that my life was so pathetically and hopelessly lost that any further attempts at this life would be an insult to the people who loved me. I no longer wanted to hurt or be hurt.  I wasn’t winning the struggle on my own and didn’t feel I deserved to ask for the help I so desperately needed.

What a difference a day makes! I was one of the lucky ones.  I survived! I awoke to a new day, groggy and confused in my hospital bed feeling shame but blanketed and protected by the support of those who truly love for me. “What?” I thought to myself, “You still want to love me even through now you know how flawed I am?” There was a resounding and persistent YES that assured me constantly that while they didn’t like some of the things I had chose to do, they most certainly liked me.

What a difference love can make! Time seemed to move slowly but I still moved on and surprisingly I found myself putting one foot in front of the other over and over. When I was unable to walk God carried me and when I struggled my  family would lighten my load and when I needed strength my children giggled and smiled.

Almost one more year later and but no design of my own I walked through the doors of TRIANGLE unknowingly into my own rebirth. So now, today, February 9 no longer carries with it a scar or bad memory but rather a message of hope, beauty, the glory of God and the overwhelming power of love.

Thank you Paul for empowering me with the tools of spiritual and emotional growth. And thank you Janet for empowering me with the tools of Career Decision Making and professionalism.

The reason I say empowered is because unlike most programs of this nature who show people where to go and buy the tools but never show them how to use them.  Triangle changed my life because they care enough to know that you can feed a man for a day or teach him to fish and feed him and his village for a lifetime.

T. Mitchell
February 2012

The experience of being in this program has done so much for my self-esteem, my ability to show my feelings and have beliefs in my artistic skills.  This has been something I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Janet showed me I was and am able to get any job I apply for. She showed me that I come across as confident and that I can express as confident and that I can express my abilities in words so that my interview will get me the job. Paul has taught me that I can be vulnerable and show my soft side and it is ok. He showed me that I am strong and that I am a loveable person who can give myself and not get hurt. He also is continuing to work with me one on one to deal with my childhood issues. Amber has taught me that it is ok to be soft. I also think she showed me that I am ok just the way I am. Kathleen has showed me it is ok to still be a child at heart. I thank each and every one of the staff for helping me to grow in many ways.

February 2012