Client Testimonials
Wow! What a great experience. I would still love to go to the Bahamas, however; being at Triangle gave me the same boost of energy and left me with the same satisfying feeling as a bright ray of sunshine, cool calm breeze or smooth ocean waves would have. Like sinking your teeth into a piece of milk chocolate – without the calories – each day at Triangle brought laughs, tears of joy, and that feeling that I was not alone. There’s no greater feeling than the one you get once you’ve been assured. Assured of who you are. It’s all about you! And that’s exactly what you take when you complete this program, yourself; to a whole new level… of understanding, love, compassion, desire & interest. Commencing a beautiful new journey – you feel refreshed, restored. All those broken pieces remain but are put together in such a unique way that you can finally accept yourself and your mistakes. Once you’ve gained that loving trusting relationship with yourself, it’s at that time when you begin creating new relationships like that with others. I used to pass my time in fear, regret, loneliness and rejection. I no longer know how to do that. I appreciate every waking, breathing moment I have. Time is no longer against me; time is a gift I was given… I just had to learn how to use it properly. Thanks to everyone who made it possible, to those who were there like family, the ones who inspire – at Triangle Community Resources.
Amy P.
December 2010
I first came to Triangle with hopes of finding a few tickets in order to get back to work, a quick fix and I would be on my way, wow, was I in for a surprise. Triangle was not your average get a resume, use a computer, get a job, get lost kind of place. I was kind of thrown off when they started to ask me questions about myself and my life and where I had been and what I was looking for in my search for a new career. Imagine a place that wanted to know what I wanted to do rather than a place telling me what to do. I have had many different challenges in my life and having spent over half of my life in the care of one institution or another my values and beliefs where somewhat twisted. Triangle taught me that my past is something to be proud of and that I could use my experiences both good and bad to better myself. I had always thought that my past mistakes would haunt me for the rest of my days and now instead of my past working against me, I have learned to use it for my benefit. Triangle has taught me several different things about myself; my learning styles and different approaches to overcome some of the things that I have always seen as major barriers in my life. I now have a confidence that I never knew before. I am attending university and am planning a new career; one that I want to do, and am passionate about. Triangle has shown me that even though I have had all sorts of problems in my life there is absolutely nothing that can hold me back from making my dreams a reality nothing except, myself .
Paul R.
November 2010
At the beginning I was apprehensive and just went because I was told to by the Ministry. After a few days I realized that I enjoyed coming and looked forward to it each day. I learned skills that have and will continue to change my life. I am very appreciative of the instructors and the program.
Jim M.
September 2010
Triangle was a great stepping stone for me to refocus, regroup and reinvent myself. Coming form an addiction background, it gave me the information and extra time to look deep inside and secure my foundation in recovery and a new career. The facilitators have all done a wonderful job, informing me of different values and beliefs, and how to deal with people of different true colors background. Thanks for the help and support.
Dan L
September 2010
My name is Jason Freestone. I attended the Triangle Program in September 2009. I came into the program a man who had lost his way. The only life I knew was one of complete chaos, drug use, alcoholism, and too put it nicely, I hurt a lot of people. I thought there was no hope for me. The Triangle staff along with the self assessments really showed me the positive aspect of my life, which I had been missing for so long. The assessments showed me I did have values and morals and that I was running on a distorted belief system. Also the other men in the class saw, and also told me they saw real potential in me. The program helped build up my self esteem and self confidence witch I have struggled with for a long time. Was one of the best decisions of my life to attend the 6 week program. To the present day with the help from the staff, I’m fulltime employed at a job I’m really happy at. I believe without the encouragement and positive attitudes of the staff I would not be where I am today. I am proud to say I am coming up on 1 year sober and things have never been better for me. I’m starting to believe in myself more and more everyday and owe a really big thanks to the Triangle program.
Jason F.
May 2010
I am a graduate of the RITE program at Triangle Community Resources in Chilliwack. Triangle was an amazing program that did much more than help me find work, Triangle helped me to find myself. Not only was I able to find employment immediately upon graduation, the facilitators have continued to show me support and encouragement. Once I secured a job Triangle helped me to get prepared for work by taking me to get appropriate work boots and clothing. They even drove me to my job interview! As of today, I have been at my job for six months and I owe it all to Triangle and the amazing staff that implement it!
Earl H.
May 2010
I signed up for the RITE program with the hope that it would be the bridge I needed to re-enter the workforce. 2 ½ years previous, I had a massive breakdown. I was severely depressed and actively suicidal. I was plagued with anxiety attacks. I spent 6 weeks under psychiatric care at LMH, and was over-medicated when I was released. It took over a year to wean myself off of the 10+ medications. As of June 10, 2008 I was med-free. Unfortunately I had gained 70 lbs, become extremely unconfident and had no sense of direction. My body was ravaged. My mind was a fog. I had trouble concentrating. I did not know how I was ever going to re-enter the workforce after such a long absence. I was stuck.
I chose this program because it had structure, being Mon-Fri 9-3. I needed to know that I could commit to that, and be present for the entire period. I was hesitant for the first couple of weeks in the program as no one else in the class seemed to relate to my issues, but I was committed to my own progress so I stuck with it. I am so glad that I did. I found that the facilitators, Wayne and Annette, were very supportive and encouraging. I started to learn about things that I was never taught in high school, such as anger management; personality styles; conflict resolution and accountability. I was surprised by the quality of the program. I found it very comprehensive. I really enjoyed taking all of the personality tests. They gave me a broad picture of myself, and how my traits are affective in the workplace. They reinforced that my chosen career path is a good fit for me. The program as a whole has helped build my confidence and self-esteem.
It has been a wonderful, challenging journey of self-discovery. WRITE taught me how to approach an employer with confidence, and how to sell my abilities and skills to them. It taught me how to answer tough interview questions such as ‘why did you leave your last job?’The mock interview is an incredible tool. I found that watching myself on tape, in that setting, was very enlightening. I also appreciated all of the class feedback. I would recommend this program to anyone who is struggling with esteem and confidence issues. It is designed in a logical format that slowly builds you up without you even knowing it. You get what you put in, so if you are committed to your success, this program will help you soar. I have already started to apply for jobs, and am completely confident, even excited, about the coming interviews. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Triangle Resources. This program has given me so much hope. Thank you!
Dawn C.
May 2009
This course enlightened me and made me realize a true picture of myself. Just knowing where to start has made this journey easier and assures me of my future success. I have a more open mind, less negativity and have a positive outlook. This process that you put people through is very useful and it is because of the staff going outside of the norm to offer comfort and help everyone here and their unique approach that makes it a success.